Our Months of Awareness
Cervical Health Awareness Month
As we begin a new year and start our list of New Year’s Resolutions, be sure to add getting an annual gynecological exam to the list. January is National Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, and cervical cancer is one of the most preventable forms of cancer. For more information on cervical health, visit:


Cover Your Lover
Happy Valentine’s Day! February is National Condom Month. As part of this awareness month, we advocate for the responsible use of condoms in order to stop the spread of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s). Protect yourself and your partner. LFHS gives out FREE condoms to anyone who wants them every day. While you are here you can also get FREE testing for STIs. For more information on how condoms can reduce your risk of infection visit:

The Heart Truth
We have a heart every day at LFHS. During the month of February, we recognize the importance of heart health for women. Every year, along with women across the country, our staff raises money for the American Heart Association on national “Go Red For Women” day. The nationwide efforts have paid off. Today, 23% more Americans now realize that heart disease is the number one killer of women. Now more than ever, women have now begun taking an active role in ensuring their heart health. For example:
•37% are losing weight
• 43% are checking their cholesterol
• more than 50% exercise more
• 60% have improved their diets
• 33% have developed heart health plans with their doctor.
For more information on women’s heart health, visit:
The Heart Truth‑A National Awareness Campaign for Women About Heart Disease
National Nutrition Month
Our WIC program promotes the WE CAN (Ways to Enhance Children’s Activity and Nutrition) program. We are out in the community talking with children and parents about the importance of physical activity and a nutrient-dense diet. We offer fun presentations and show families the benefits of the WIC program. For a WE CAN program, call 273‑6741 ext. 310. Also, learn more about all the things WIC does for families. From its fantastic Education Programs to providing healthy food, breastfeeding support, and making referrals for healthcare, WIC wins!

STI Awareness Month
Every year there are 19 million new Sexually Transmitted Infections. Left untreated, STIs can cause cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, pregnancy problems, widespread infection to other parts of the body, organ damage, and even death. For more information on STI treatment and prevention, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. If you are at risk, now is the time to get tested and treated. LFHS offers FREE testing and treatment for STIs on a walk-in basis or to make an appointment call (717) 273‑6741.
National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month
LFHS has always been a community leader in the area of teen pregnancy prevention for Lebanon County. In the past 10years, the teen pregnancy rate has declined by 39% in Lebanon County! This is a public health success story! This month we celebrate the partnerships we have in the community that helped make this happen. LFHS, along with our friends in the Teen Pregnancy Prevention and Support Network, works to provide education and create awareness around the issue of teen pregnancy prevention. For further resources on teen pregnancy prevention for parents, teachers, and mentors, visit here.
Women’s Health Month
For over 40 years, LFHS has been a leader in the area of women’s health. This month we celebrate women’s health month with free giveaways at the Lebanon Valley Mall. Come out and visit us! Other great resources on women’s health can be found at:
Women’s Lung Health Month (LungForce)
Lung cancer is the #1 cancer killer of women. Every 5 minutes a woman is diagnosed with lung cancer, often it is not related to tobacco use. Each may LFHS joins the force in creating awareness, promoting prevention, and encouraging early detection of lung cancer as part of #Lungforce, a national lung cancer prevention initiative. For more information, visit the Lungforce website.
Cervical Health Awareness Month
As we begin a new year and start our list of New Year’s Resolutions, be sure to add getting an annual gynecological exam to the list. January is National Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, and cervical cancer is one of the most preventable forms of cancer. For more information on cervical health, visit:

Men’s Health Month
Did you know that LFHS isn’t just for women? We have lots of services for the guys too. FREE STI and testicular cancer screenings, FREE condoms, physicals, drug screenings, and for the dads, our fantastic WIC program! Get more information on how to keep the men in our lives healthy! For further information on men’s health, visit:

Summer Tips!
As the heat of the summer steams up there are so many delicious ways to stay healthy! The Lebanon Valley is filled with countless local produce. Visit your favorite farmer’s market and explore other ways to eat light, healthy, and stay active!
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Breastfeeding Awareness Month
At Lebanon Family Health, we honor breastfeeding every day with our Peer Breastfeeding Counselor Program. Breastfed babies thrive in many ways. They have fewer ear infections, fewer allergies, and pose less of a risk of getting diabetes. Find out more about the benefits of breastfeeding!
Synergestic actionables. Organic growth deep dive but circle back or but what’s the real problem we’re trying to solve here?

National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
Obesity is a major national epidemic. At the present time, 33% of adults and 17% of children are obese. As a result, we have seen an increase in a range of obesity-related illnesses including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some cancers. Curtailing this national epidemic is dependent upon learning healthy eating habits at a young age. The eating habits a child learns in their childhood and teen years are typically the ones that they continue to practice into adulthood. Teaching kids how to eat healthy at a young age is vital. At LFHS we work with our clients on a daily basis plan and prepare healthy ways of eating. Along with national Childhood Obesity Awareness Month will are also recognizing National Fruit and Veggie Month. For more information visit:
National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
For over 40 years, women in Lebanon county have come to us as a trusted place to learn about their most personal reproductive needs. This month we encourage women to learn more about Ovarian Cancer and visit:
Synergestic actionables. Organic growth deep dive but circle back or but what’s the real problem we’re trying to solve here?

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
When LFHS first opens its doors in 1973, one of our primary missions was to combat breast cancer. Today, our mission has not changed. We see countless women each day in order to detect breast cancer at its early and most treatable stages. We also work with women to teach them about how to detect breast cancer in breast self-exams (BSE) and how to access quality health information regarding cancer detection. For more information, visit:
Let’s Talk Month
Since the early 1990s, the national teen pregnancy rate has drastically declined. In fact, it has declined by 39% in Lebanon County. A great reason to celebrate the accomplishments of the work done at Lebanon Family Health Services! However, we did not do it alone. Through the combined efforts of parents, schools, and community partnerships we have been able to make great strides in this public health challenge. We still have work to do though and parents play a vital role. In fact, teens cite parents (not peers) as being their biggest influence regarding issues of sexuality. This month we bring awareness to the importance of parents talking to teens about sexual decision making. For information and resources please visit:
The National Campaign for the prevention of teen pregnancy’s parent’s page
Every day at LFHS we work with our community to finally “kick the butt” for good! However, in the month of November, the national “Great American Smoke out” is the time we come together as a country to take action. At LFHS we are working with businesses in the community to implement a Freedom From Smoking program. If your place of business is interested in beginning a class, contact us at 273‑6741. In the meantime, learn more about kicking the butt at:
On December 1 of every year, we recognize “World AIDS Day”. Since the advent of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, public awareness, scientific research, and medical advances have come a long way. While AIDS remains a prominent threat and has been identified as one of the most destructive pandemics in world history, public health experts can embrace the progress that has been made. The challenge for our current generation, a generation that has never known a world without AIDS, is to continue the efforts of awareness, prevention, and medical research. At LFHS we do free and confidential testing for HIV/AIDS and encourage our community to support awareness efforts. Visit the following websites for more information: