Lebanon Family Health Services offers an array of education services in person or via ZOOM throughout the community for businesses, human service agencies, churches, schools, social and civic organizations. Click on the circles below to find out more about our educational options.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela
Education at LFHS
Be the One: Parenting Classes
Free parenting workshops called “Be the One” are offered to the community several times throughout the year. These workshops run for four consecutive sessions with each class running for approximately three hours.
Diabetes Prevention
The CDC-led National Diabetes Prevention Program is an evidence-based lifestyle change program for preventing type 2 diabetes. It is a year-long program that helps participants to make real lifestyle changes such as eating healthier and including physical activity in their lives.
Tobacco Cessation
Freedom from Smoking is an 8‑week program developed by the American Lung Association. During the 8 weeks, participants learn about their personal addiction to tobacco products, how to overcome cravings, stress management, tips to prevent future relapses, and much more. Classes are facilitated by a trained and certified instructor.