Education Presentation Details
LFHS will conduct educational programming in county middle/high schools. All programming is in line with Pennsylvania State Standards for Health and is taught by a certified Pennsylvania Health Teacher.
All presentations are 45 minutes in length. You may combine two for block scheduling and book multiple days if it fits into your schedule. Pennsylvania state standards for health education are in (Green). Program activities are tailored for grade appropriateness and for specific populations as needed and requested.
Lesson Topics Include
- Value Clarification and Sexual Decision Making
- Contraceptive Decision Making
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Abstinence
- Reproductive Health and Cancer Screenings
- Conception, Prenatal Development, Labor and Delivery
- Tobacco and Vaping/e‑cigarette Education and Prevention
Contact Maggie Progin at (717) 273‑6741, ext. 332, or email to book a program.
Get the print version of the School Education Programs (PDF).

Tobacco Resistance Unit (TRU)
LFHS staff are available to work with middle or high school students in either a classroom setting or a student group to implement the TRU program. This is a peer advocacy/education program where teens educate their classmates about tobacco use and vaping/e‑cigarettes. To implement a TRU program in your school, contact Maggie at (717) 273‑6741 ext. 332 or e‑mail

Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP)
The PREP program is designed to educate young people on both abstinence and contraception to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS. The program targets youth ages 10–19. LFHS utilizes 3 effective, evidence-based curriculum, Becoming a Responsible Teen, Be Proud! Be Responsible! and Making Proud Choices!. These curriculum have been proven to delay sexual activity, increase condom or contraceptive use for sexually active youth, or reduce pregnancy among youth. To implement the PREP program in your school, contact Maggie at (717) 273‑6741 ext. 332 or e‑mail