Upcoming Classes

Young Child Classes 2025

Adolescent Classes 2025
Be The One: Parenting Classes
Free parenting workshops called “Be the One” are offered to the community several times throughout the year. These workshops run for four consecutive sessions with each class running for approximately three hours.
Funded in part by a grant from the United Way of Lebanon County, Family and Children’s Services of Lebanon County, The Foundation for Enhancing Communities and The Lebanon County Family and Consumer Science’s Association.
This course was created and is presented in partnership with:

Be The One: Building Resilient Children and Families (Birth-Age 8)
Topics Include:
- Impact of early childhood trauma and how to build protective factors.
- strategies for parent/child bonding
- Active parenting through better communication skills.
- Learn to assist their child in how to constructively express emotions.
- Effective techniques for discipline.
Three Ways to Register
- Call (717) 273‑6741 ext. 332
- E‑mail -maggie@lebanonfamilyhealth.org
- Print and mail the registration form below:

Be The One: Building Resilient Teens and Families (Age 9–18)
Topics Include:
- Identifying the impact of trauma in the family and how to overcome it with social supports.
- Fostering emotional health and building the parent/child relationship.
- Understanding the developing adolescent brain and see adolescence as a period of growth, creative expression and identity formation.
- Fostering your teen’s newly discovered independence in a constructive and meaningful way.
- Becoming a more positive parent by establishing personal stress management skills, Anger Management and improved parent/child communication.